July 17, 2019
Spotlight: Health and Wellness With Dr. Mallory Harris, ND
Looking for a new approach to healthy living in the neighbourhood? We sat down with Dr. Mallory Harris, ND a local Naturopathic Doctor at Yonge + St. Clair to learn more about her approach to health and wellness, the Naturopathic treatment services she offers, and the most important things she’d recommend for you to achieve and maintain good health.

Yonge + St. Clair: Can you tell us about your practice as a Naturopathic Doctor in the neighbourhood?
Dr. Mallory: My job as a Naturopath is to help individuals become the best versions of themselves. I fully believe that every day is an opportunity to optimize yourself, be better, live better, be balanced, thrive. That’s what drives me and motivates my life.
In order to do that, I need to provide personalized medicine, treatment and health plans that reflect each individual’s goals, current health concerns and future health concerns–because it’s also about preventative medicine.
I am on a personal journey to live life with less stress and more joy. The principles of Naturopathic Medicine have been a guide for me to help obtain that and how I can help achieve that for my patients.
“Change is inevitable, growth is optional” John C. Maxwell.
Y+S: What do you offer as part of your Naturopathic treatment services?
Dr. M: At its core, a Naturopathic treatment plan will always have a strong focus in nutritional & lifestyle counselling. It is really important for me to make sure that patients can implement my treatment plans in their lives without added stress and in a way that they are able to maintain. Because of this, I do a lot of scheduling and routine building with patients, especially regarding sleep, exercise and stress management to make sure there is balance and room for them to achieve their goals.
Sometimes treatment plans will also include individualized tea formulations compounded from my herbal dispensary for managing digestion, anxiety, cold & flu and sleep. I also offer B12 injections, topical prescription formulations for skin as well as acupuncture for conditions such as PMS and fertility as Naturopaths are also trained in Traditional Chinese Medicine. I also have my pharmaceutical license so can prescribe certain medications.
Y+S: From your opinion and approach to health and wellness, what’s the most important thing someone can do for their health?
Dr. M: I believe that if you have a healthy gut you have a happy mind. In my opinion, investing in your mental well-being is one of the best things you can do for your health and there is undoubtedly a significant bidirectional relationship between our gut physiology and our brain function that only recently neuroscientists have been able to reveal as the Gut-Brain Axis. We often use mottos like, “gut-wrenching, butterflies in your stomach, gut instinct, listen to your gut, gut feeling,” without truly being aware of what they really mean.
If you want to strengthen your mental health, address stress, anxiety and low mood, it is essential to address your digestive concerns and optimize your gut health. Similarly, to have a real impact on your digestion, irritable bowel or bloating, you need to put the work in and invest in your mental health and build stress management strategies.
Visit Dr. Mallory Harris, ND online at or work with her on your health goals by scheduling an appointment or calling ESM Clinics located inside Balance Fitness 52 St. Clair Ave E. at 416-225-2623. You can find Dr. Mallory on Instagram (@dr.malloryharris.nd) for more health education and motivation.